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How it works

staff management, staff resource management, contract payment administration, flexibility in human resource management, independent contract agreement, 0010

How it works, 4 easy steps to implementation.

Anchor 1

Step 1: A Management Decision to Adopt FRM Group Services.

a) An informed management decision is required to adopt the FRM Group services as part of your business workforce and financial management arrangements.


b) This should follow a considered evaluation and understanding of the comparative costs and benefits involved and the manner in which the adoption of FRM services enhance your corporate and service delivery objectives.


c) Features of the Odco “independent contractor model” that are at the core of our FRM services include:


  • ·   No employer/employee relationships, therefore the removal of all workplace employment liabilities arising from the Fair Work Act,              Modern Awards and National Employment Standards and related variations that continually arise.

  • ·   Your resources are contracted on a commercial basis to meet hourly needs, or the job price, on a fully cashed-up basis.

  • ·   The ability to fully direct the use of your independent contractor resources and effectively control performance and outcomes.

  • ·   Outsourcing of personnel, payroll and all related compliance functions and statutory liabilities.


d) The FRM Group can assist in your evaluation of related management issues and the modeling of independent contractor services that best meet your business needs. Areas of specific consideration may include:


  • ·     New business start-ups.

  • ·     Strategic and business planning for improved performance.

  • ·     Business re-engineering and workplace reform.

  • ·     An alternative to outsourcing business activities.

  • ·     Insolvency management (business transfers).

  • ·     Replacement of existing casual or directly contracted resources.

Step 2: Sign your Hiring Agreement with the FRM Group Agency

a) The Hiring Agreement between your business and the FRM Group Agency establishes the contractual basis upon which independent contractors are available to your organization. This agreement does not constrain your business, as the Agency client, in any respect other than to pay the FRM Group Agency weekly, upon issue of an Invoice, for all contractors' on - site costs. The business remains responsible to maintain a safe work site and manage Respect @ Work matters.


b) At this time, and as a consequence of the outcomes of Step 1 above, your business will have clear indications of the total hourly/weekly cost of your independent contractor resources. Some or all of your resources may be independent contractors: the Hiring Agreement does not effect or constrain any of your other business arrangements.

Step 3: Establish Your Contractor Pool.

a) The FRM Group Agency proceeds to establish a pool of independent contractors encompassing the required qualifications, skills and experiences to undertake your business work requirements. This will normally involve either one, or some combination, of the following:


  • Signing of existing casual/temporary/sessional/commission staff as independent contractors. This occurs as a consequence of Step 1(a) and advice to these staff that as and from a specific future date the work involved will only be available to independent contractors.


  • Opportunities for existing permanent or fixed term (contracted) employees to provide their services as independent contractors will be subject to the provisions of their existing contracts or modern award coverage. Accordingly, moving to independent contractor arrangements is only an optional choice for any involved permanent employees, as they will have on-going award/contract and accrued entitlements. Procedures are adopted that emphasize the voluntary nature of the opportunity to become an independent contractor, thus avoiding any possibility of claims as to harassment or unfair/constructive dismissal. In effect, permanent employees need to voluntarily resign their positions before signing with the FRM Group Agency as independent contractors and being offered the opportunity of providing their services to your site.


  • Public advertisement of available independent contractor opportunities, and interview, selection and signing of suitable applicants as part of establishing the independent contractor pool providing their services to your site.


  • Signing, as independent contractors, persons known to your business and who the Agency consider would be suitable independent contractors.


b) All contractors are offered the opportunity of providing their services to your business and their acceptance is voluntary.

Step 4: Operational Considerations.

Anchor 2

a) There are two central features to the operation of our FRM services - need and performance. Whilst the needs of your business for the work exist, and the contractor's performance is satisfactory, the contracting arrangement continues. If either component is missing, that specific contracting arrangement is concluded, ie, either the work opportunity is no longer available or the contractor is replaced. Independent Contractors provide their services on a commercial basis and understand that remuneration and reputation are dependent on good performance. Conversely, good site managers recognize the benefits of creating a positive and co-operative workplace culture that enhances worker performances and the joint interests of both the business and its workforce.


b) The FRM Group Agency offers work opportunities to independent contractors that will meet your business requirements. Whilst this agreement to contract operates on a daily renewable basis with agreed remuneration on an hourly basis (or rate for the job) it is usual for the work available to independent contractors to be both full time and on going - subject only to a) above. By agreed arrangements, contractors may be offered work across different classifications or positions, and geographical locations, to meet your business needs.


c) Your site is fully able to direct the independent contractors in respect of the services they agree to provide, and the manner of their performance. All contractors have $20m public/product liability cover.


d) Our FRM services facilitate business unit operations, in that:


  • ·     Full and transparent costing of human resources is immediately available and cash flow issues are simplified.

  • ·     Resource inputs can be matched to business outcomes on a required basis including payments for specific performance                          eg.function, bonus or commission.

  • ·     Direct control of flexible working arrangements and performance rest with the business unit.

  • ·     Personnel, payroll and compliance administration is fully outsourced and, with the exception of OH& and Respect @ Work                          requirements the site has no liability in respect to related legal or statutory responsibilities.


e) Contractor's weekly on-site hours worked are advised to the FRM Group Agency. All personnel and payroll administration is effected by the Agency. An itemized invoice is dispatched to the business for checking and then payment of the Agency charge-out costs.


f) It is a priority for the FRM Group Agency to establish a strategic relationship with your business to maximize outcomes through the use of our FRM services.

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